What is Considered an HVAC Emergency?

When an HVAC system malfunctions, many people try to fix it themselves or schedule a repair after trying DIY methods. Some HVAC malfunctions are not to be taken lightly, even if they seem minor. A few malfunctions can be considered an HVAC emergency. Emergency HVAC issues may seem harmless, but these can pose dangerous risks and must be addressed by a professional as soon as possible.

When you notice the HVAC emergency signs, you should immediately call our HVAC contractor in College Station, TX.

Signs it is an HVAC Emergency

The heating and cooling issues mentioned-below require an emergency repair service. Otherwise, this problem can cause major damage to your heating and cooling system.

Odor Leak

When your HVAC produces strange odors, i.e., sulfur smell, burnt wire smell, and sweet fruity smell, these are the signs of a gas leak, coolant leak, and burning electrical component.

Therefore, these HVAC problems need the emergency attention of the HVAC contractor.

Electrical Damage

When you see smoke or spark coming from your HVAC or the electrical connections box, you should immediately contact our technician for heater and AC repair in College Station.

The electrical problems will entirely damage the HVAC leaving you with one solution, i.e., replacement. Do not try to inspect the wiring yourself when you see a spark or smoke because of the electrical shock risk.

In this situation, turn your heater or air conditioner off and schedule an emergency repair service. You can prevent more damage and replacement.

Alarming Noise

When your HVAC makes a popping noise, it indicates some electrical issues. The screeching noise alerts you regarding the compressor failure.

The hissing sound is the outcome of leakage. Such alarming noises indicate an emergency HVAC repair.

Changed Flame

If your central heater flame is yellow instead of blue, the carbon monoxide is circulating. Carbon monoxide can adversely affect your health.

Therefore, you should switch off the furnace, vacate the room, and call our AC installation College Station TX, to fix the carbon monoxide leak. A carbon monoxide detector also alerts you regarding this problem.

Opposite Temperature

When your HVAC releases hot air in summer and cool air in winter, it hints toward severe damage.

Contact our HVAC contractor immediately to prevent the existing damage from extending more.

Other Common HVAC Issues

Some common HVAC problems are not an emergency, but these problems also need immediate furnace and AC repair. Common HVAC issues, if ignored, can turn into an emergency later.

Common heating and cooling issues are:

  • The furnace and AC are not turning ON
  • Frequent breaker tripping
  • Poor and uneven air distribution
  • Inaccurate heating and cooling cycles
  • Frequent HVAC clogging
  • AC and heater overheating


You should maintain your HVAC with preventive tune-up services if you don’t want to struggle with an HVAC emergency. Superior Air Repair can help you with this. Our work quality justifies our name. We provide superior HVAC services and repairs. Contact us to schedule heater or AC repair in College Station.